Who Are We?

Formerly a staunch water conservationist, who woke up from slumber during the drought in 2015, until recently after realisation that every other thing is directly or indirectly related to the natural resources and finally precious WATER, and hence Amulya boondh.

Although awareness was, and is the USP of Amulya boondh, we changed our modus operandi , a tad bit. Being a one woman army, I gathered ideas and laid emphasis on the following practices

  • Glass , metal , plastic , E waste , fabric recycling, reuse clothes and used clothes donation programs instead of destroying
  • Indigenous plant varieties information and growing saplings at home in cotton custom made bags
  • Switching to reusable and biodegradables, natural detergents.
  • Steel plates at parties, areca and banana leaves at picnics, shun the straw, bring your own bottle, carry your own bag were few things hammered continuously
  • Kids as young as 5, were targeted, focused their interest in nature so as to make them the future green ambassadors
  • No part of the city or village or hamlet was spared, as long as the audience was even 10 in number
  • Shramdaan experiences like the one organised by paani foundation to learn various ways to involve the common man and conserve water were attended
  • Various nature camps for the kids and women, DIY workshops, natural fertilisers, homemade all purpose cleaners were provided to switch them to natural chemical free living
  • Wet waste management composting and plastic substitutes were introduced time and again
  • Various sustainable products like portable water filter, cost effective ones were endorsed and distributed for free during floods and other calamities
  • Social media was the greatest way of spreading the message far across. Short videos reels were made to achieve the same.
  • Various interesting competitions like painting with a message for the kids, extempore for the older and collage making for the grad students were held just to turn them to thinking about nature
  • Although a few trees were planted here and there, we made sure they were taken care of.
  • Our recent venture “patta” inspired by Mrs Deodhar of pune, wherein we collect dry leaves, use them and donate the excess to the needy instead of burning has been given a lot of love.
  • Side by side, we did not slow preaching sermons on save the drip, slow the flow, harvest rain, recycle grey water and the many small and big ways of conserving water.

SMALL STEPS taken by each one, would be correct to define our vision and motto. All in all, too many hats juggled, to become sustainable and preach the same, and hence HASHTAG SUSTAINABILITY

Meet The Founder

Dr. Aarati Bhandare

Left a job to run a non profit organisation with an objective of changing the way the society looks at a non profit venture for community growth, awareness related to various issues.
My biggest achievement was not any award or recognition, but an opportunity to know how different minds think , analyse and work.
My future goals lie in making people aware of the planet they are living in and how they all can change their selfish perspective and work together for a greener planet.

Photo Gallery

What We Do?

Environmental Awareness

Support vocal for local sustainable and earth friendly materials such as areca and bagasse, cotton and jute, completely discouraging single use plastics, by campaigning on various social media platforms.

Conducting Workshops

Conducting workshops for kids as young as 5, to elderly women, to teach them about grey water recycling, 6R's, harmful effects of plastics, their grades and recycling

Waste Regeneration

Assistance of awareness on E-waste generation and recycling.

Managing Kitchen Waste

Interactive and "do it along" workshops at city and village levels to manage your kitchen waste and converting in into compost, in a program, we nickname as " my waste my responsibility ".

Natural Fertilizers

Preparing natural fertilizers such as jeevamrutha, natural pesticides such as neemastra and distributing them free of cost to the marginalized farmers.

Contact us

feel free to contact & reach us!

Head office address:

Plot No: 18 CTS No: 1325 Nanawadi Belgaum - 590006


Mobile-no: 9902528342

email address:

Email: boondhindia@gmail.com